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Read more about our work supporting green energy across Canada.

Understanding how Bullfrog Power works

In this blog, we’ll provide a high-level overview of who Bullfrog Power is, what we do, and information (and inspiration) on how to become a bullfrogpowered business or home. Whether you’re just beginning on your…
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Illustration of people holding up a globe

10 ways to combat climate change as a community

We’re already seeing the effects of climate change, and it may seem as though one person’s efforts are insignificant compared to record-breaking temperatures, wildfires, and rising sea levels. Luckily, you’re not alone. The bullfrogpowered community is made up of 10,000+ households and 1,500+ businesses who care deeply about our planet and are taking action to protect it.
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People holding up various everyday items

Go for Green! Practical advice for your company’s sustainability team

We asked our bullfrogpowered community to share advice for other companies looking to start or level up their green team.
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