Green energy for your event

Decarbonize your event

Address the carbon footprint of your event by bullfrogpowering® it. You can purchase green energy for all types of events, from community gatherings to virtual screenings or to weddings. No special wiring or equipment is required, and virtually any venue that draws electricity from the power grid can become bullfrogpowered® with renewable energy.
Key benefits
By bullfrogpowering® your event, you show your community that you’re taking important action to:
Reduce your environmental footprint
Support the development of new green energy projects
Fight climate change and air pollution
Create a cleaner, healthier world
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How it works
The process is very simple: we estimate the electricity usage of your event based on the venue’s square footage and our generators will put green electricity onto the grid to match the amount of conventional electricity used.

Bullfrog Power’s green electricity comes from a blend of wind, solar, and low-impact hydro power sourced from new renewable energy facilities.
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