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    Solutions – categories

    Image of sedan car driving alongside a body of water

    Green fuel average efficiency average driver

    With this product, you’ll displace 1.6 tonnes of CO2e per year. That’s equivalent to preventing 823 kg of coal from being burned!
    Truck driving into the sunset

    Green fuel low efficiency vehicle frequent driver

    With this product, you’ll displace 5.2 tonnes of CO2e per year. That’s equivalent to preventing 2,637 kg of coal from being burned!
    Truck driving into the sunset

    Green fuel low efficiency vehicle average driver

    With this product, you’ll displace 2.6 tonnes of CO2e per year. That’s equivalent to preventing 1,321 kg of coal from being burned!
    Truck driving into the sunset

    Green fuel low efficiency vehicle light driver

    With this product, you’ll displace 1.8 tonnes of CO2e per year. That’s equivalent to preventing 909 kg of coal from being burned!
    Image of sedan car driving alongside a body of water

    Green fuel average efficiency light driver

    With this product, you’ll displace 1.1 tonnes of CO2e per year. That’s equivalent to preventing 569 kg of coal from being burned!
    Image of a car driving beside the water

    Green fuel high efficiency frequent driver

    With this product, you’ll displace 2.1 tonnes of CO2e per year. That’s equivalent to preventing 1,087 kg of coal from being burned!
    Image of a car driving beside the water

    Green fuel high efficiency average driver

    With this product, you’ll displace 1.1 tonnes of CO2e per year. That’s equivalent to preventing 549 kg of coal from being burned!
    Image of a car driving beside the water

    Green fuel high efficiency light driver

    With this product, you’ll displace 0.7 tonnes of CO2e per year. That’s equivalent to preventing 376 kg of coal from being burned!


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    Solution Archive

    Green electricity wind turbine in field

    Électricité verte pour votre maison de ville ou maison jumelée

    Avec ce produit, vous remplacerez 1,2 tonne de CO2 par année. Cela revient à éviter la combustion de 601 kg de charbon!
    Wind turbines in a field

    Électricité verte pour votre maison détachée

    Avec ce produit, vous remplacerez 1,6 tonne de CO2 par année. Cela revient à éviter la combustion de 802 kg de charbon!
    Wind turbines in a field

    Électricité verte pour votre condo ou appartement

    Avec ce produit, vous remplacerez 0,9 tonne de CO2 par année. Cela revient à éviter la combustion de 450 kg de charbon!
    Wind turbines in a field

    Électricité verte et gaz naturel vert pour votre maison de ville ou maison jumelée

    Avec ce produit, vous remplacerez 4,8 tonnes de CO2 par année. Cela revient à éviter la combustion de 2 406 kg de charbon!
    Wind turbines in a field

    Électricité verte et gaz naturel vert pour votre maison détachée

    Avec ce produit, vous remplacerez 6,6 tonnes de CO2 par année. Cela revient à éviter la combustion de 3 309 kg de charbon!
    Wind turbines in a field

    Électricité verte et gaz naturel vert pour votre condo ou appartement

    Avec ce produit, vous remplacerez 3,4 tonnes de CO2 par année. Cela revient à éviter la combustion de 1 705 kg de charbon!
    Wind turbines in a field

    Green electricity for small business, 1-10 employees

    With this product, you’ll displace 3.2 tonnes of CO2e per year. That’s equivalent to preventing 1,604 kg of coal from being burned.
    Green electricity wind turbine in field

    Green electricity for small business, 11-25 employees

    With this product, you’ll displace 8.1 tonnes of CO2e per year. That’s equivalent to preventing 4,061 kg of coal from being burned.
    Wind turbines in a field

    Green electricity for small business, 25+ employees

    Did you know that 75% of Canadians feel companies should be doing more to address climate change?


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    Featured posts

    Électricité verte pour votre maison de ville ou maison jumelée

    Avec ce produit, vous remplacerez 1,2 tonne de CO2 par année. Cela revient à éviter la combustion de 601 kg de charbon!
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    Électricité verte pour votre maison détachée

    Avec ce produit, vous remplacerez 1,6 tonne de CO2 par année. Cela revient à éviter la combustion de 802 kg de charbon!
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    Électricité verte pour votre condo ou appartement

    Avec ce produit, vous remplacerez 0,9 tonne de CO2 par année. Cela revient à éviter la combustion de 450 kg de charbon!
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    Électricité verte et gaz naturel vert pour votre maison de ville ou maison jumelée

    Avec ce produit, vous remplacerez 4,8 tonnes de CO2 par année. Cela revient à éviter la combustion de 2 406 kg de charbon!
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    Électricité verte et gaz naturel vert pour votre maison détachée

    Avec ce produit, vous remplacerez 6,6 tonnes de CO2 par année. Cela revient à éviter la combustion de 3 309 kg de charbon!
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    Blog group




    Illustration of people holding up a globe

    10 ways to combat climate change as a community

    We’re already seeing the effects of climate change, and it may seem as though one person’s efforts are insignificant compared to record-breaking temperatures, wildfires, and rising sea levels. Luckily, you’re not alone. The bullfrogpowered community is made up of 10,000+ households and 1,500+ businesses who care deeply about our planet and are taking action to protect it.
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    People holding up various everyday items

    Go for Green! Practical advice for your company’s sustainability team

    We asked our bullfrogpowered community to share advice for other companies looking to start or level up their green team.
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    anaerobic digestor at sunset

    All about organic waste diversion at Seacliff Energy

    Bullfrog Power’s parent company, Envest, owns and operates Seacliff Energy: an anaerobic digestor that can process up to 110,000 tonnes of organic waste each year.
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    Solar power energizes a Halifax neighbourhood

    How a youth-driven charity in Halifax is harnessing solar polar to change the course of the climate crisis.
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    Eco friendly glass jars filled with dried foods

    Bullfrog Power’s Guide to Eco-Friendly Refilleries

    Create, Replace, Reconsider We all find ourselves at different spots in our personal sustainability journeys. We’re constantly learning about new ways to lessen our environmental impact and take that one extra step to make a difference. Bullfrog Power and companies that choose our green energy would like to support your journey by providing practical tips…
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    Illustration of forest fire near a wind turbine

    Celebrating what we accomplished together in 2023

    Bullfrog Power’s annual magazine, the Buzz, has sustainability tips, community project stories, and more.
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    Batteries being installed in an electric vehicle

    NanoTerraTech: creating critical minerals locally and sustainably

    This startup is transforming wood waste into biographite, the second most valuable carbon-based commodity and an essential EV component.
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    Maskwacis solar array installation with group of trainees

    Bringing solar and wind power to Maskwacis

    Looking back on a community project that brought green energy and new skills to the Maskwacis community.
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    A map of Canada showing the businesses mentioned in this blog post

    How Canadian-owned brands strengthen our communities and care for our environment

    We asked some of our fellow Canadian-owned brands to share how they promote sustainability and strengthen community ties.
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    Featured posts

    Businesses are key to the renewable energy transition

    75% of Canadians feel companies should be doing more to address climate change. That’s a challenge the business community can’t afford to ignore. By choosing green energy,…
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    Energy efficiency services – a new way to cut costs and carbon

    We are excited to introduce energy efficiency services, a new offering from Bullfrog and Spark Power, our parent company. This service provides customers with a way…
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    What to know before signing a power purchase agreement

      Power purchase agreements (PPAs) are a bold, business-led strategy for reducing corporate emissions. These deals provide energy cost security, potential cost savings, and a tangible link…
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    Bullfrog signs a power purchase agreement to support the construction of Canada’s eighth largest solar project!

    After launching our power purchase agreement solutions, we’ve signed one ourselves! This PPA will bring 2 solar farms to Alberta.
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