
Oilfields Arena goes solar: Bullfrog Power and the Town of Black Diamond partner on new green energy project

Calgary—Bullfrog Power, Canada’s leading green energy provider, and the Town of Black Diamond are partnering to bring new solar electricity to Alberta. Bullfrog Power will provide matching financing that will enable Black Diamond to install solar panels on the Oilfields Regional Arena that will generate clean, pollution-free renewable electricity. The project consists of a 10…
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Bullfrog Power and SUN Co-operative announce partnership to advance new solar power development in Sudbury

Toronto—Bullfrog Power, Canada’s leading green energy provider, and the Sudbury Unlimited eNergy (SUN) Co-operative, a renewable energy co-operative, are partnering to bring more green energy to Northern Ontario. Through its Bullfrog Builds Renewable Accelerator Program, Bullfrog Power is providing financing for the development of a solar project to convert industrial land in Sudbury into an…
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Bullfrog Power and LIFE Co-operative announce partnership to advance solar power in Southern Ontario

Toronto—Bullfrog Power, Canada’s leading green energy provider, and the Local Initiative for Future Energy (LIFE) Co-op, a renewable energy co-operative, are partnering to bring new green energy to Ontario. Through its Bullfrog Builds Renewable Accelerator Program, Bullfrog Power will provide financing for the development of LIFE Co-op projects in Ontario that will generate clean, pollution-free…
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Bullfrog Power and The Deanery Project partner to launch solar power project in Nova Scotia

Halifax—Bullfrog Power, Canada’s leading green energy provider, and The Deanery Project, a non-profit cooperative focused on the environment, youth and community development, are partnering to bring new solar electricity to Nova Scotia. Through its Bullfrog Builds Renewable Accelerator Program, Bullfrog Power will provide financing for a 24-panel solar installation on The Deanery Project’s eco-learning space…
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Toronto’s first solar co-op project now generating clean, climate-friendly energy

  Staff and members of SolarShare and Bullfrog Power representatives at the Goodmark solar project in Etobicoke, Ontario.   Toronto—Bullfrog Power, Canada’s 100 per cent green energy provider, and SolarShare, a pioneering solar co-operative that allows Ontario citizens and businesses to invest in community-based solar energy installations, announced that the biggest solar co-op project in…
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Bullfrog Power and ZooShare partner on poo power

Bullfrog Power to act as the Official Education Sponsor for biogas plant at the Toronto Zoo Toronto—Bullfrog Power, Canada’s 100 per cent green energy provider, and ZooShare Biogas Co-operative, a non-profit renewable energy co-operative, are proud to announce a new partnership. Bullfrog Power is the Official Education Sponsor of ZooShare’s first project, a 500 kW biogas…
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No more tradeoffs: Canadians Believe Governments Can Deliver on Jobs & the Environment

Ahead of the Speech from the Throne, New Poll Shows Canadians Believe Action on the Environment Improves Economic Growth, Jobs Toronto, October 9, 2013—Days before the Speech from the Throne, Canadians say jobs don’t have to be sacrificed for a healthier environment according to new research from Bullfrog Power, Canada’s green energy provider. In a…
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Thyme and Again is bullfrogpowered with 100 per cent green natural gas

(Left to right) Yasir Naqvi, Ontario Minister of Labour and MPP, Ottawa-Centre; Sheila Whyte, Owner, Thyme & Again; Graeme Cunningham, Corporate Account Manager, Bullfrog Power; Katherine Hobbs, Councillor, Kitchessippi Ward, City of Ottawa; and Jim Watson, Mayor, City of Ottawa, at Thyme and Again’s launch of their green energy commitment at the 2013 Tastes of…
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Staples Canada launches first-of-its-kind green printer program with Bullfrog Power

      Staples Canada celebrates small business month with one year of free green electricity for inkjet printers sold nationwide Toronto—Bullfrog Power®, Canada’s 100 per cent green energy provider, and Staples Canada, the leader in office supplies and Canada’s largest online retailer, today announced a revolutionary green power initiative: the bullfrogpowered® printers program. From…
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Businesses are key to the renewable energy transition

75% of Canadians feel companies should be doing more to address climate change. That’s a challenge the business community can’t afford to ignore. By choosing green energy,…
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Energy efficiency services – a new way to cut costs and carbon

We are excited to introduce energy efficiency services, a new offering from Bullfrog and Spark Power, our parent company. This service provides customers with a way…
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What to know before signing a power purchase agreement

  Power purchase agreements (PPAs) are a bold, business-led strategy for reducing corporate emissions. These deals provide energy cost security, potential cost savings, and a tangible link…
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Bullfrog signs a power purchase agreement to support the construction of Canada’s eighth largest solar project!

After launching our power purchase agreement solutions, we’ve signed one ourselves! This PPA will bring 2 solar farms to Alberta.
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