Le siège social de Siemens Canada et les nouveaux bureaux de sa filiale Trench Limited deviennent bullfrogpowered
Bullfrog PowerMD établit un partenariat avec Siemens Canada visant à fournir de l’électricité non polluante et propre à 100 pour cent pour deux installations ontariennes. Toronto—Bullfrog Power, principal fournisseur d’énergie verte au Canada, et Siemens Canada annoncent que Bullfrog fournira de l’électricité propre et renouvelable pour les sièges sociaux canadiens de Siemens situés à Oakville…
Siemens Canada bullfrogpowers its Canadian headquarters and new Trench Limited offices
Pour la version française, veuillez cliquer ici. Bullfrog Power® partners with Siemens Canada to provide 100 per cent clean, pollution-free electricity for two Ontario locations Toronto—Bullfrog Power, Canada’s leading green energy provider, and Siemens Canada are announcing that Bullfrog Power will provide clean, renewable electricity for Siemens’ Canadian headquarters in Oakville, Ontario, and the…
Siemens Canada bullfrogpowers its Canadian headquarters and new Trench Limited offices
Pour la version française, veuillez cliquer ici. Bullfrog Power® partners with Siemens Canada to provide 100 per cent clean, pollution-free electricity for two Ontario locations Toronto—Bullfrog Power, Canada’s leading green energy provider, and Siemens Canada are announcing that Bullfrog Power will provide clean, renewable electricity for Siemens’ Canadian headquarters in Oakville, Ontario, and the…
Bullfrog Power supports proposed Saskatoon Community Wind project to provide clean wind power for 16,000 Saskatoon residents
Proposed green power initiative now seeking community participation and support Saskatoon, SK—Bullfrog Power, Canada’s leading green energy provider, and Saskatoon Community Wind Energy, a community initiative with plans to develop wind generation near Saskatoon, are announcing a new partnership to increase the amount of clean, renewable electricity generation. The project aims to construct a wind…
Bullfrog Power appoints Peter Melanson as Chief Executive Officer
Bullfrog Power, Canada’s 100 per cent green energy provider, announces new leadership to accelerate adoption of renewable energy nationwide Toronto—Bullfrog Power announced today the appointment of Peter Melanson as Chief Executive Officer, effective August 1, 2013. Melanson brings more than 30 years’ experience in sales, marketing and operations to the position and will be responsible…
Planning for the planet: Meetings and Conventions PEI partners with Bullfrog Power to offer green energy to PEI events
Meetings and Conventions PEI bullfrogpowers® its head office with 100 per cent clean, renewable electricity Charlottetown, July 24, 2013—Bullfrog Power, Canada’s 100 per cent green energy provider, and Meetings and Conventions PEI, Canada’s premier Tier 3 coastal meetings destination, are announcing a new partnership whereby Meetings and Conventions PEI (M&C PEI) will bullfrogpower their head…
L’Omnium canadien RBC 2013 est maintenant bullfrogpowered
For the English version, please click here. RBC et Golf Canada choisissent l’énergie 100 pour cent renouvelable de Bullfrog Power pour faire de l’Omnium canadien RBC un événement carboneutre Oakville, ON—C’est avec plaisir que Bullfrog Power, le fournisseur canadien d’énergie verte à 100 pour cent, annonce que par son entremise, RBC et Golf Canada alimenteront…
RBC bullfrogpowers the 2013 RBC Canadian Open
Pour la version française, veuillez cliquer ici. RBC and Golf Canada choose 100 per cent renewable energy from Bullfrog Power to help make the 2013 RBC Canadian Open a carbon neutral event Oakville, ON—Bullfrog Power, Canada’s 100 per cent green energy provider, is pleased to announce that RBC and Golf Canada will bullfrogpower the 2013…
Ambassatours Gray Line goes green with Bullfrog Power
Ambassatours will bullfrogpower® its head office with 100 per cent clean, renewable electricity Halifax—Bullfrog Power, Canada’s 100 per cent green energy provider, and Ambassatours Gray Line, Atlantic Canada’s premier motor coach operator, are announcing that Ambassatours’ head office will be bullfrogpowered with 100 per cent clean, renewable electricity. By choosing Bullfrog Power, Ambassatours Gray Line—known…
Featured posts
Businesses are key to the renewable energy transition
75% of Canadians feel companies should be doing more to address climate change. That’s a challenge the business community can’t afford to ignore. By choosing green energy,…
Energy efficiency services – a new way to cut costs and carbon
We are excited to introduce energy efficiency services, a new offering from Bullfrog and Spark Power, our parent company. This service provides customers with a way…
What to know before signing a power purchase agreement
Power purchase agreements (PPAs) are a bold, business-led strategy for reducing corporate emissions. These deals provide energy cost security, potential cost savings, and a tangible link…
Bullfrog signs a power purchase agreement to support the construction of Canada’s eighth largest solar project!
After launching our power purchase agreement solutions, we’ve signed one ourselves! This PPA will bring 2 solar farms to Alberta.