Ten bullfrogpowered partners and three community projects named to 2018 Delta Clean50!

Ten bullfrogpowered partners and three community projects named to 2018 Delta Clean50!

Monday September 25, 2017

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Canada’s Clean50 annually offers recognition to Canada’s leaders in sustainability for their contributions over the prior two years.  Nominations are collected year round until Canada Day each year, reviewed and then honourees for three different types of awards are announced each September.

We’re proud to announce representatives of ten organizations supporting green energy with Bullfrog Power are recognized on the 2018 Delta Clean50, including six individuals:

In addition, the following four projects by bullfrogpowered partner organizations were honoured:

The honourees also receive a Leaders in Green Energy Award for their support of renewable energy through Bullfrog Power at the annual Clean50 Summit.

Bullfrog Power’s community renewable projects made a strong showing on the 2018 Delta Clean50. Through the support of our customers, Bullfrog supports the development of community-based renewable energy projects across Canada. We’re working with communities from coast to coast to coast to provide critical early-stage funding for green energy projects – such as solar panels on schools and community centres and renewable projects with Indigenous communities. Three of our community projects were honoured this year for their contributions:

For more on all things Clean50, check out the complete list of winners.