

Snapshot of Elemental Energy: how a virtual power purchase agreement made Alberta’s first utility-scale solar project possible

You’ve likely heard that virtual power purchase agreements (VPPAs) are gaining traction in Canada as a reliable way for companies to source renewable energy. But what exactly does it take to get one off the ground? At Bullfrog’s Sustainability Snapshot event in Calgary, Jamie Houssian, Principal of Elemental Energy, spoke about his experience bringing the…
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Righteous Gelato sign

Snapshot of Righteous Gelato: how finding a community can help you scale your business sustainably

Righteous Gelato, Calgary’s frozen dessert darling, has seen an explosive 1,500% increase in production over the past five years. As James Oliphant, their Operations Lead, puts it, “We’ve grown from a small scoop shop to a cross-Canada grocery chain. Five years ago we produced 400 litres of gelato a day; now we make 6,000 litres…
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Benevity office

Snapshot of Benevity: how to weave sustainability into everything you do

Sustainability means different things to different people. To April Vande Beek, Benevity’s Manager of Communications and Culture, sustainability goes far beyond protecting the environment—it’s about making sure that a company’s overall impact on the world is a good one. Benevity’s mission—or moonshot, as they call it—is to act as a catalyst to infuse a culture…
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10 simple tips for an eco-friendly start to the school year

Bullfrog Power is committed to helping Canadians live eco-friendly lifestyles. That’s why we created our green energy solutions – to help you reduce your environmental impact and fight climate change. With back-to-school just a couple weeks away, we’ve pulled together some simple tips to help you make this the greenest school year yet!
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Coffee and conversation with Ethical Bean

Walking up to the Ethical Bean head office in Vancouver, you would never imagine that their roastery is in the same building. You’re greeted by their awesome cafe, and tucked away behind that is their bright office space. Emily, the Marketing Specialist at Ethical Bean, showed me around; the boardroom that displays…
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Staples expands their sustainability commitment with a new concept store

  As consumers become more environmentally conscious and more inclined to support companies that share their values, businesses must stay ahead of the sustainability curve to stay relevant. Staples Canada is doing just that with their new Working and Learning Stores, including the newly opened location in Oakville. These stores feature bold…
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PortsToronto tackles floating trash

How often has your visit to Lake Ontario been marred by the sight of a floating water bottle or a plastic bag? Not only does this garbage spoil the view, it can also harm aquatic life. But at the Outer Harbour Marina, PortsToronto is fighting back with an innovative underwater garbage can. The container is…
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NRStor provides real-world solutions for our energy grid challenges

  Energy storage is one of the biggest challenges facing the renewable energy industry today—unlocking more advanced storage solutions would help open the doors to a fully renewable energy grid. NRStor Inc. develops, owns, and operates industry-leading energy storage projects that deliver increased energy savings and reduce environmental impact across the energy…
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Houston, we have a salad: how Eatmore Sprouts & Greens helped send sprouts to space

  Glenn and Carmen Wakeling’s company, Eatmore Sprouts & Greens, has a clear mission: to provide locally grown, organic sprouts that support a happier, healthier planet. Little did they know that one day, their sprouts would travel out of B.C., beyond planet Earth, and up to the International Space Station. Last fall,…
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Businesses are key to the renewable energy transition

75% of Canadians feel companies should be doing more to address climate change. That’s a challenge the business community can’t afford to ignore. By choosing green energy,…
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Energy efficiency services – a new way to cut costs and carbon

We are excited to introduce energy efficiency services, a new offering from Bullfrog and Spark Power, our parent company. This service provides customers with a way…
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What to know before signing a power purchase agreement

  Power purchase agreements (PPAs) are a bold, business-led strategy for reducing corporate emissions. These deals provide energy cost security, potential cost savings, and a tangible link…
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Bullfrog signs a power purchase agreement to support the construction of Canada’s eighth largest solar project!

After launching our power purchase agreement solutions, we’ve signed one ourselves! This PPA will bring 2 solar farms to Alberta.
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