
How to create a sustainable coffee bar at work or home

What’s the secret ingredient for a productive workplace? Coffee! From the morning brew to the afternoon pick-me-up, many workers across Canada (and the world) rely on java to keep us going. The Bullfrog Power office is no exception—but as always, we’ve put a green twist on things. We’ve set up a sustainably sourced, zero-waste coffee…
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Mirexus Biotechnologies chooses 100% green energy for entire operations with Bullfrog Power

Guelph, ON, May 15, 2018—Bullfrog Power, Canada’s leading green energy provider, is pleased to announce Mirexus Biotechnologies, a biomaterials company based in Guelph, is now reducing its energy-related emissions footprint through a new commitment to renewable energy. The organization is choosing 100 per cent renewable electricity and green natural gas for its…
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Your Credit Union launches Eastern Canada’s first bullfrogpowered mortgage program

Ottawa, ON, April 30, 2018—Today, Your Credit Union, a financial co-operative operating six branches in Ottawa and Cornwall, and Bullfrog Power, Canada’s leading green energy provider, are launching the first-of-its-kind bullfrogpowered mortgage program in Eastern Canada—the Green Home Mortgage. Through the program, homeowners who sign a mortgage with Your Credit Union will…
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Greener Horizons Toronto: Building credibility with third party certification

Credibility is becoming an increasingly important issue in the sustainability space. Several global institutions are finding a receptive audience when it comes to expansive climate commitments, but the expertise and organizational resources required to meet them can seem daunting. How can businesses recognize new standards of global sustainability leadership without creating a credibility gap for…
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Ricoh Canada marks a decade of supporting renewable electricity with Bullfrog Power

Ricoh Canada and Bullfrog Power, Canada’s leading green energy provider, are celebrating a major environmental landmark. For more than a decade, Ricoh Canada has been choosing Bullfrog Power’s green electricity to reduce its environmental impact. With more than 5,500 megawatt hours of electricity put onto the grid on its behalf, Ricoh Canada has displaced more than 900 tonnes of carbon dioxide, which is equivalent to the emissions from more than 3.5 million kilometres driven by an average passenger vehicle.
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Ricoh Canada célèbre une décennie passée à soutenir l’électricité renouvelable avec Bullfrog Power

Aujourd’hui, Ricoh Canada et Bullfrog Power, fournisseur principal d’énergie verte du Canada, célèbrent une étape environnementale très importante. Depuis plus d’une décennie, Ricoh Canada a choisi l’électricité verte de Bullfrog Power afin de réduire son impact sur l’environnement. Avec plus de 5 500 mégawattheures d’électricité acheminés au réseau pour lui, Ricoh Canada a permis d’éviter le rejet de plus de 900 tonnes de dioxyde de carbone, ce qui équivaut aux émissions de plus 3,5 millions de kilomètres parcourus par un véhicule à passagers moyen.
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UCS Forest Group’s Warren Spitz on founding a business on sustainable practices

The Path Forward is a collection of insights from Canadian business leaders at the forefront of sustainability in our country. In the eBook, Warren Spitz, Founder, President and CEO, UCS Forest Group, shares how sustainability informs business practices at UCS Forest Group.  You can access our free The Path Forward eBook in full below this article.  As a…
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4 energy efficiency questions new home buyers should ask

  One of the best parts about the bullfrogpowered community is that it brings together so many individuals and businesses that all have an interest in sustainable choices. Even better, many have unique expertise to share to help us live green. Today, we have some advice for new home buyers, courtesy of…
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For Earth Hour, Southgate Centre purchases enough renewable electricity to match an hour’s usage for all Edmonton households

For Earth Hour (Saturday, March 24), Bullfrog Power, Canada’s leading green energy provider, and Southgate Centre are teaming up to provide enough renewable energy to bullfrogpower every home in Edmonton for one hour. Through the agreement, Southgate Centre will purchase 419 MWh of green electricity from Bullfrog Power—equivalent to what 216,070 households in Edmonton would use in one hour.
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Businesses are key to the renewable energy transition

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Energy efficiency services – a new way to cut costs and carbon

We are excited to introduce energy efficiency services, a new offering from Bullfrog and Spark Power, our parent company. This service provides customers with a way…
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What to know before signing a power purchase agreement

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Bullfrog signs a power purchase agreement to support the construction of Canada’s eighth largest solar project!

After launching our power purchase agreement solutions, we’ve signed one ourselves! This PPA will bring 2 solar farms to Alberta.
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