Celebrate your green energy commitment

Let your customers know that you're choosing renewable energy with Bullfrog Power

Phone Mockup
Window Decal
Bullfrogpowered Business Card

Request custom assets from Bullfrog Power

Bullfrog Power has a series of custom-tailored assets available upon request. Please complete the form below to receive custom social media content like the emissions reduction impact graphic or materials to display your renewable energy commitment on-site. Once your order is placed, a member of our team will be in touch to confirm delivery timing. 

Must be an active Bullfrog Power customer to order.

Explore our communication kits

From templated blog posts, website copy, and social graphics, to employee engagement tools, we've created communication kits to help you promote your green energy purchase and environmental impact.

Read our most recent blogs:

Jazz Cabbage logo, a cannabis business with a focus on sustainability

Jazz Cabbage: reengineering the cannabis industry

Dec 1, 2021
When a group of engineers decided to start a cannabis business, their focus naturally turned to efficiency. By combing the best of what nature and technology have to offer, they aim to grow a superior product while using less energy, water, and soil.
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What Climate Change Looks Like through the Photographer’s Lens

Oct 14, 2021
Open-pit mines in Australia. Nickel tailings in Sudbury, Ontario. Vast marble quarries in Carrara, Italy. The Three Gorges Dam project in China. Pivot-irrigation systems across the Texas Panhandle. These are…
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solar panels to be recycled one day

Sunset Renewables: creating a circular economy for solar panels

Sep 20, 2021
Renewable technologies like solar panels, wind turbines, and battery storage are essential to addressing the climate crisis. But like every product, they’ll produce waste at the end of their life…
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