Celebrate your green energy commitment

Let your customers know that you're choosing renewable energy with Bullfrog Power

Phone Mockup
Window Decal
Bullfrogpowered Business Card

Request custom assets from Bullfrog Power

Bullfrog Power has a series of custom-tailored assets available upon request. Please complete the form below to receive custom social media content like the emissions reduction impact graphic or materials to display your renewable energy commitment on-site. Once your order is placed, a member of our team will be in touch to confirm delivery timing. 

Must be an active Bullfrog Power customer to order.

Explore our communication kits

From templated blog posts, website copy, and social graphics, to employee engagement tools, we've created communication kits to help you promote your green energy purchase and environmental impact.

Read our most recent blogs:

Feature Energy efficiency Inspection in Plant Workshop

Energy efficiency services – a new way to cut costs and carbon

May 27, 2021
We are excited to introduce energy efficiency services, a new offering from Bullfrog and Spark Power, our parent company. This service provides customers with a way to improve their operations by…
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David Betke’s perspective on saving our environment

May 11, 2021
The bullfrogpowered community is made up of a diverse group of organizations that care about the environment. We’re highlighting one organization that’s making a difference in the events world: Do Better Marketing. A Bullfrog customer…
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Truck on road

Less Emissions now offers corporate shipping offsets, with Freightzy leading the way

Apr 29, 2021
Here at Bullfrog Power, we make it simple to choose green energy alternatives. But not all aspects of your carbon footprint are that easy to shrink. Less Emissions, our sister…
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