Celebrate your green energy commitment

Let your customers know that you're choosing renewable energy with Bullfrog Power

Phone Mockup
Window Decal
Bullfrogpowered Business Card

Request custom assets from Bullfrog Power

Bullfrog Power has a series of custom-tailored assets available upon request. Please complete the form below to receive custom social media content like the emissions reduction impact graphic or materials to display your renewable energy commitment on-site. Once your order is placed, a member of our team will be in touch to confirm delivery timing. 

Must be an active Bullfrog Power customer to order.

Explore our communication kits

From templated blog posts, website copy, and social graphics, to employee engagement tools, we've created communication kits to help you promote your green energy purchase and environmental impact.

Read our most recent blogs:

Prep your roof for winter with Vicwest

Dec 10, 2018
As the weather gets colder, remember to get your house ready for the winter ahead. Your roof protects your home against harsh weather conditions, and ensuring your roof is in good condition will help keep your family comfortable and your energy costs low.

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Bullfrog’s 2018 Green Gift Guide

Dec 3, 2018
Happy Holidays from Bullfrog Power! In the first of this three-part series, we asked bullfrogpowered businesses for suggestions on eco-friendly gifts and experiences you can share with friends and loved…
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Something’s buzzing at The Printing House

Nov 29, 2018
The Toronto head office of The Printing House™ (TPHÂŽ) is home to some unlikely workers: eight hives of honey bees! Pollinators such as honey bees are crucial to a healthy…
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