Celebrate your green energy commitment

Let your customers know that you're choosing renewable energy with Bullfrog Power

Phone Mockup
Window Decal
Bullfrogpowered Business Card

Request custom assets from Bullfrog Power

Bullfrog Power has a series of custom-tailored assets available upon request. Please complete the form below to receive custom social media content like the emissions reduction impact graphic or materials to display your renewable energy commitment on-site. Once your order is placed, a member of our team will be in touch to confirm delivery timing. 

Must be an active Bullfrog Power customer to order.

Explore our communication kits

From templated blog posts, website copy, and social graphics, to employee engagement tools, we've created communication kits to help you promote your green energy purchase and environmental impact.

Read our most recent blogs:

3 ways to renovate sustainably

Aug 9, 2018
Over the years, the Ecology Action Centre — a Nova Scotia environmental charity — has had a number of homes and in 2005, they purchased an old saltbox house in Halifax’s North End. “This was exciting because owning our own building meant we could go beyond turning of the lights and printing double-sided, and really use our space to demonstrate our environmental values,” says Joanna Bull, who is the Volunteer Coordinator at the Ecology Action Centre.
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Your specs aren’t sustainable. But they could be.

Jul 25, 2018
We asked Dresden Vision Canada about their pet peeves when it comes to picking out a new pair of frames to learn how they do things just a bit better. In their words, Dresden Vision is made up of a bunch of “frustrated glasses wearers” who try to see glasses from their customers’ perspectives.
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Sustainability Snapshot: The intersection between food supply and sustainability

Jul 16, 2018
Currently contributing to a third of global greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, the food and agricultural industries are expected to grow this impact in the years ahead. In…
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