Gulf Island Secondary School Solar Project

Gulf island solar installation
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Solar | Community project we're supporting

Partner: Salt Spring Community Energy Group

On the roof of Gulf Island Secondary School in B.C., renewable energy is helping power the education of future sustainability leaders. An 84-panel solar system was installed on the public school’s roof by Salt Spring Community Energy Group—with support from Bullfrog Power and additional partners. All revenue generated by the project contributes to an annual scholarship for students pursuing sustainable trades or studies.

Click here to track the generation of the school’s solar project in real time!

Photo credit: Ron Watts Photography

About our community projects

Activists and organizers across the country are working to transition their communities away from fossil fuels. We created our community-based green energy projects grant to provide critical funding for these local efforts.

All bullfrogpowered customers help fund these small-scale, community-led projects, including solar panels on schools and in Indigenous communities, education and training programs, and a cleantech accelerator.

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