Pender Island Community School Solar Project

Solar | Community project we're supporting
Partners: Gulf Island School District
In 2016, Bullfrog Power and Pender Solar Initiative partnered for the launch of a new solar project on British Columbia’s Pender School—the largest solar electricity project on Pender Island! The 105-panel, 28.4 kW project is part of Pender Solar Initiative’s 2020 campaign to install solar PV systems on the roof of every suitable public building on Pender, B.C., by 2020.
The revenue generated from the clean energy production will be used to purchase science equipment for the school and to fund scholarships for Pender students studying renewable energy and climate change, or training to be electricians capable of installing solar panels.
About our community projects
Activists and organizers across the country are working to transition their communities away from fossil fuels. We created our community-based green energy projects grant to provide critical funding for these local efforts.
All bullfrogpowered customers help fund these small-scale, community-led projects, including solar panels on schools and in Indigenous communities, education and training programs, and a cleantech accelerator.
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