Green electricity

For your condo or apartment


450 kWh of clean, renewable energy/month

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Did you know?

With this product, you'll displace 0.9 tonnes of CO2e per year. That's equivalent to preventing 450 kg of coal from being burned!

About green electricity

About green electricity

We source our green electricity from wind, solar, and low-impact hydro projects that meet or exceed the strictest environmental criteria, as defined by EcoLogo®.

  • We support the development of new renewable energy projects by purchasing from EcoLogo new sources.
  • We promote renewables across Canada, including in carbon-intensive grids, by sourcing 50% of your green electricity from your region.
  • We’re audited annually by Deloitte to make sure that your green electricity was produced, accurately counted, and credited to you.
How it works
Sources and methodology
Humans have dominated the planet at the expense of the natural world. Now it is becoming very clear to us what the real cost is: the loss of species, loss of beauty and damage to human health, especially the most poor on the planet. For us, switching to Bullfrog was an ethical and spiritual choice….

The Sisters of St. Joseph of London

Choosing green energy is only natural for us—it’s a way to protect the land that produces the local ingredients that are crucial to our ice cream. Through Bullfrog, we’re also able to support community-based renewable energy projects that empower communities and protect the land too.

Earnest Ice Cream

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Sign up

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