Green natural gas
For your townhouse or semi-detached home
160 m3/6.1 GJ of renewable natural gas/month
Did you know?
With this product, you'll displace 3.6 tonnes of CO2e per year. That's equivalent to the carbon sequestered by 60 tree seedlings grown for 10 years!
About green natural gas
About green natural gas
Our green natural gas is a renewable alternative to conventional natural gas. It's sourced from organic waste at a landfill or wastewater treatment plant, so it doesn't add net new carbon dioxide to the atmosphere.
How it works
Sources and methodology

We want our students to enter the working world with a mature understanding of their role in promoting sustainability and environmental good citizenship. That means we need to walk the talk on our school grounds and in everything we do. The switch to Bullfrog Power is one good example of how we’re doing this.
Upper Canada College

Powering the Kortright Centre with Bullfrog Power demonstrates to our customers that TRCA is furthering its energy conservation efforts and that they can also make smart green choices.
Toronto and Region Conservation
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Green natural gas
220 m3/8.4 GJ of renewable natural gas/month
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Green electricity
18 MWh of clean, renewable energy/year
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