Pembina Institute French

Les Canadiens doivent impĂ©rativement faire le choix de l’énergie renouvelable dĂšs aujourd’hui. C’est un pas simple, mais combien important, que nous pouvons tous prendre pour protĂ©ger l’environnement et lutter contre le changement climatique.

WWF-Canada French

L’utilisation exclusive d’énergies renouvelables respectueuses de l’habitat est indispensable Ă  la lutte contre le changement climatique, afin que la nature, les espĂšces sauvages et les ĂȘtres humains puissent prospĂ©rer ensemble. Bullfrog Power est un acteur important dans cette lutte, et…

CDP French

Avec Bullfrog, le CDP peut dĂ©sormais compter sur un collaborateur exclusivement axĂ© sur le marchĂ© canadien, qui propose une solution d’énergie renouvelable aux entreprises dĂ©sireuses de rĂ©duire leur impact environnemental et de soutenir le dĂ©veloppement de nouveaux projets d’énergie renouvelable.


CDP is thrilled to partner with Bullfrog Power as our first ever ‘renewable energy’ partner in Canada. Greening electricity consumption is a vital step in meaningfully reducing carbon from company’s Scope 2 footprint; Bullfrog’s suite of renewable energy services offers…

Pembina Institute

It’s imperative Canadians make the choice for renewable energy today. It’s an easy, but important step we can all take to help the environment and fight climate change.

David Suzuki Foundation 2

Polls show the majority of Canadians are concerned about climate change. Business leaders are increasing looking at making decisions with a climate lens. They want to mitigate climate risk in terms of investment, and leaders, like Bullfrog, go further in…

David Suzuki Foundation

Bullfrog Power offers a simple but powerful way to take the lead in supporting the development of renewable energy and reducing our environmental impact.


Using only habitat-friendly renewable energy is vital to combating climate change so that nature, wildlife and people can thrive together. Bullfrog Power is an important part of that fight, and World Wildlife Fund Canada is proud to be bullfrogpowered.