David Peacock

Green Champion, photo of David Peacock, a Bullfrog Power customer
Green Champion, photo of David Peacock, a Bullfrog Power customer

Bullfrog Power green champion

David Peacock is a retired industrial engineer living in Toronto with his wife, Mary Anne. The Peacocks’ household, as well as their cottage in northern Ontario, have been bullfrogpowered since 2007. He added their car to Bullfrog in 2017. Bullfrog recently spoke with David about his commitment to the environment and why he decided to sign on for green electricity. 

BP: How did you first hear about Bullfrog? 

DP: I learned about Bullfrog Power from Tyler Hamilton’s energy column in the Toronto Star. We did a little more research about Bullfrog and its renewable energy sources. After that, we decided to sign on. 

The decision just made sense. I am concerned about climate change issues, and more specifically, our use of fossil fuels. To become more sustainable as a society, we need to adopt and support more renewable sources of energy. I signed on with Bullfrog to offset my own electricity, but also to help advance the development of renewables in Canada. 

BP: Have you always been interested in environmental issues? 

DP: For as long as I can remember, I have been concerned about the planet. For example, when our family was growing up, we never had air conditioning at home. We survived without it and we were happy that we did. 

I enjoy the outdoors and we decided to bullfrogpower our summer cottage as well as our home in the city. The cottage used to have an old oil furnace, and to reduce its environmental impact we replaced it with an air-source heat pump. I added the car more recently so that I would feel a little better about burning fossil fuels. 

BP: How much time do you spend outdoors? 

DP: My wife and I travel up to the cottage for about one third of each summer. The cottage is at the end of a long bay on Lake Rosseau. I was diagnosed with multiple myeloma cancer a couple of years ago and with the resulting fatigue, I can’t do as much outdoors as I used to. It’s still great to be outside and I try to make the most of every day. 

BP: How much progress has Canada made toward becoming more sustainable? 

DP: The Federal Carbon tax and other provincial carbon initiatives are a good start. We need to look long and hard at some of the more difficult carbon sources like cement and steel. 

BP: If you had one message for all Canadians about the environment, what would that message be? 

DP: Our society lives and dies on energy. We rely heavily on fossil fuels, and we need to realize the ramifications of depleting a hundred-million-year-old resource in just a couple hundred years. We are seeing the impacts already with huge wildfires, monster hurricanes, melting arctic ice, melting permafrost and even a threat to the Gulf Stream. It goes on and on, its so clear that we’re in trouble. 

It can be a little intimidating when we are faced with a challenge like climate change, but we cannot give up. We need to make a difference. We need to prepare as best as we can—for ourselves, the planet and future generations. 


About green champions

Thousands of people bullfrogpower their homes with green electricity, green natural gas, or both. Together, these green champions are shrinking their carbon footprints, transitioning our energy systems to clean sources, and showing others that the future is renewable. 

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