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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Pellentesque ac odio dictum, aliquet risus et, tristique ligula. Nullam interdum ligula nibh, sed faucibus ex cursus a. Praesent vestibulum sapien tortor, et mollis dui mollis at. Donec at ligula accumsan, cursus ante non, porttitor felis. Nulla id sapien metus. Nulla eget interdum massa, quis convallis felis. Nulla gravida ornare magna, quis iaculis mauris accumsan quis. Pellentesque lorem ex, ullamcorper ac quam eu, tincidunt porta dolor. Vivamus ultrices orci et varius euismod. Curabitur vel eros lectus. Fusce dictum rhoncus urna, ac aliquam sem maximus at. Praesent diam erat, consectetur sed nulla quis, dictum varius lectus. Maecenas vulputate, est eu hendrerit eleifend, diam lacus ullamcorper nulla, nec tristique ante augue ut leo. Sed accumsan id neque vel molestie. Mauris tristique orci ornare feugiat laoreet. Cras eget molestie odio.

Donec leo mauris, venenatis eget venenatis eu, egestas eu neque. Nam enim augue, vestibulum ac dui a, rutrum posuere velit. Sed quis nisl mattis, ultrices metus non, mattis felis. Quisque lorem mi, vehicula quis tortor sed, molestie maximus tortor. Proin et tortor blandit, dignissim ex at, consectetur felis. Pellentesque pulvinar odio justo, eget aliquet orci faucibus id. Aenean a nulla nec lacus euismod tincidunt at sit amet massa.

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Curabitur tincidunt ornare tortor vitae luctus. Duis gravida ipsum ligula, at mollis velit facilisis in. Curabitur fringilla fermentum nisi, quis suscipit dui finibus sed. Fusce odio leo, congue at est a, viverra venenatis massa. Sed venenatis metus sodales, lobortis quam et, bibendum velit. Vivamus lacinia placerat tempus. Duis tempor turpis in eros consequat, nec blandit magna varius. Nullam ante turpis, vehicula ut lorem feugiat, tincidunt convallis diam. Proin convallis, enim id facilisis accumsan, nisl erat pulvinar neque, a ullamcorper ligula mi et lectus. Phasellus eu varius urna. Duis quam orci, lacinia eu eleifend ac, placerat ac urna. Aliquam at odio justo. Vivamus maximus, diam eu lacinia iaculis, odio erat cursus odio, at lacinia dui dolor at mi.

Nunc vehicula felis sed nibh elementum, in gravida erat vehicula. Aliquam nec ultrices urna. Integer mollis eleifend quam, vel facilisis tellus aliquam vel. Fusce porta aliquet ligula, sed dictum ligula interdum ullamcorper. Mauris pulvinar mi urna, eget gravida arcu congue in. Nullam volutpat accumsan scelerisque. Sed sagittis metus quam, in congue ex scelerisque in. Nam diam mi, hendrerit quis neque et, faucibus venenatis justo. In egestas mi quam, vitae viverra nunc imperdiet sit amet. Aliquam luctus rutrum rutrum. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia curae; Suspendisse commodo massa purus, ut vulputate sem lacinia eu. Sed sit amet dignissim sapien. Etiam massa eros, viverra ac dui vitae, egestas rhoncus metus. Nulla ac nisl quis est dictum pretium.

Green Champions Post Details Template

Richard Worzel

Green Champion, photo of Richard Worzel, a Bullfrog Power customer

TITLE, COMPANY (if relevant) | Bullfrog Power green champion

I was a skeptic about global warming for many years, having watched earlier apocalyptic warnings about things like the population time bomb fizzle, and warnings about a new ice age melt away in the 1970s.

Yet, as a professional futurist, the evidence eventually forced me to accept that I was wrong, and so I made new assessments based on that evidence. It’s crystal clear now that climate change is happening, and that humanity is at least a major contributor, if not the primary factor in provoking climate change. And if you really accept that, and are honest with yourself, then you must also do something about it. This is especially true as extreme weather events, such as the Texas deep freeze, or more violent hurricanes, are now widespread, and are making the consequences of climate change obvious. We have an obligation to do what we can, as quickly as we can.

My family and I recycled glass and bottles before there were blue bins. We composted before green bins appeared. We have bought progressively more fuel-efficient cars each time, and take transit as first preference when we can. We switched first, to compact fluorescents, and now to LEDs before there were incentives. So, when the opportunity arose to buy 100 per cent renewable energy through Bullfrog, we decided that the extra cost was not a cost at all, but an investment in securing not only our grandchildrens’ lives in the far future, but our own, right now!

And as more and more people have bought into green power, the economies of scale are making it less expensive than carbon-polluting power. It has become a double win for us all.

About Green Champions

Thousands of people bullfrogpower their homes with green electricity, green natural gas, or both. Together, these green champions are shrinking their carbon footprints, transitioning our energy systems to clean sources, and showing others that the future is renewable. 

Explore other Green Champions profiles:

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Project Post Details Template


ZooShare group sign
Solar Energy icon

Solar | Community project we're supporting

Partner: ZooShare Renewable Energy Co-operative

From zoo poo to poo power—that’s the goal of ZooShare, an Ontario co-op working with the Toronto Zoo to launch North America’s first zoo-based biogas project. When completed, the 500 kW facility will recycle manure from the zoo and food waste from local grocery stores into renewable energy. Bullfrog is one of the Founding Investors in addition to being the project’s official Education Sponsor, funding education programs for public school students.

This is the title of my video

Here is some text about what the video is about. You should really watch it. Like now.

Read our Currents of Change profile with Daniel Bida, Executive Director of ZooShare

Gabriola solar

Judith Roux

“Taking action for the planet—keeping our waters clean, our forests green, our air breathable—is the only action on the table.”
Read More

About our community projects

Activists and organizers across the country are working to transition their communities away from fossil fuels. We created our community-based green energy projects grant to provide critical funding for these local efforts.

All bullfrogpowered customers help fund these small-scale, community-led projects, including solar panels on schools and in Indigenous communities, education and training programs, and a cleantech accelerator.

Explore other community projects:

Green fuel clean


We source our green fuel from Innoltek, a biodiesel producer in Saint-Jean-sur-Richelieu, Quebec, that repurposes waste streams from the food industry.
Turbines at the Rattlesnake Ridge Wind Farm in Alberta

Rattlesnake Ridge Wind Farm

The Rattlesnake Ridge Wind Farm, set just west of Medicine Hat, Alberta, has 26 turbines and an impressive 130 MW capacity.

Community Profiles Template

Currents of Change profile

Daniel Bida

Executive Director, ZooShare | Toronto, ON

Daniel Bida

Sustainable manure management

ZooShare is a biogas story now being told in the GTA (to Zoo visitors, schoolchildren, professionals and politicians), Zoo poo jokes and all, and it’s incredibly meaningful. We’ll be converting approximately 17,000 tonnes of organic waste into renewable power and fertilizer each year, resulting in greenhouse gas reductions equivalent to 10,000 tonnes per year—it’s going to be amazing.

For the Zoo and our investors, this project will bring financial returns and more sustainable manure management. For the community, it’s going to divert valuable organic waste away from landfills, and create educational opportunities around the benefits of biogas. And for the biogas sector and provincial regulators, it’s a high profile example of what biogas is and how powerful it can be as a tool to divert waste, reduce greenhouse gas emissions, and generate green energy and fertilizer.

We want to change the way kids (and adults alike!) see waste

This project will hopefully shift behaviours for all those who experience and interact with the biogas plant or our educational programming. In the same way that I learned about recycling in elementary school and then started to recycle at home, we want to change the way kids (and adults alike!) see waste, having them use the green bin rather than the garbage. It’s a simple, yet powerful change that each of us can make every day.

Be mindful of your waste

If I had a message for all Canadians it would be—be mindful of your waste. Ask yourself, where in your life are you creating waste? And I don’t mean only physical waste, like spoiled food in the fridge. Maybe it’s with your energy use or perhaps it’s with your time. Stopping these ‘leaks’ and shifting your behaviours to make as little waste as possible could make a significant impact on your life and in your community.

For us, ZooShare is the beginning of something really great…

ZooShare is an Ontario renewable energy co-operative building North America’s first zoo-based biogas plant. The 500 kW facility will recycle manure from the Toronto Zoo and food waste from local grocery stores into renewable power and fertilizer, reducing GHG emissions by over 10,000 tonnes per year. Bullfrog is one of ZooShare’s Founding Investors and its official Education Sponsor, helping to fund biogas workshops and related educational programming for public school students.

Learn more about this project.

About Currents of Change

Currents of Change are portraits, thoughts and ideas from Canadians helping to transform the energy landscape through renewable energy. Bullfrog profiles changemakers who are creating powerful currents in their communities. Those featured have either helped build a green energy project, financially supported by the bullfrogpowered community, or they are a member of the bullfrogpowered community, supporting green energy projects across Canada.

Explore other Currents of Change profiles:

Green Champion, photo of Anne Murray, a Bullfrog Power customer

Anne Murray

“I believe that climate change is a real challenge and that it is incumbent upon us to do whatever we can to reduce our impact on the environment and help create a cleaner world for future generations.”
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Green Champion, photo of David Peacock, a Bullfrog Power customer

David Peacock

“We need to make a difference. We need to prepare as best as we can—for ourselves, the planet and future generations. ”
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Green Champion, photo of Edward Burtynsky, a Bullfrog Power customer

Edward Burtynsky

“I realized that I could make a difference by showing how we are changing the landscapes in places we never see, places that are outside our normal range of perception.”
Read More




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Catch up with Bullfrog

The Bullfrog Buzz provides in-depth coverage of what’s happening at Bullfrog Power and in the bullfrogpowered community.




Life at Bullfrog

Working at Bullfrog Power is about having a passion for the environment and a commitment to high-quality, meaningful work. If you’d like a chance to make positive change and work with dedicated, talented people, Bullfrog might be the place for you.  


We’re looking for talented people who care about building a sustainable future

Candidates should share our passion for transforming challenges into opportunities, thrive in a fast-paced environment, and enjoy meeting and working with new people. 

We currently do not have open positions on our team, but invite you to check back.


Here’s what to expect: 

  • Be part of a supportive environment that promotes diversity, equity, and inclusion in the workplace. 
  • Contribute your ideas, creativity, and strong work ethic to innovative projects. 
  • Expand your skills in a fast-paced organization that invests in your career development. 
  • Connect with your team and community at in-person and virtual socials and fundraising events. 
  • Take advantage of versatile health benefits.

Join a passionate, engaged team

We work hard to protect the environment and connect with our colleagues. Our sustainability and social committees love to put on social and charitable events, both in person and remotely.

Check out this video from WWF-Canada's polar bear dip in 2016, the year of the polar vortex. Brr!

Join the 20,000 subscribers who care about the future of renewable energy 

Sign up for the eBuzz, our newsletter featuring green energy updates, new product information, and stories from the community projects we support. 


Our story

Our story

Building a sustainable future

Bullfrog Power was founded in 2005 with visionary goal: to transform Canada’s electricity landscape. We believe that everyone should be able to access green energy, so we became the first company to offer a green electricity choice for businesses and homes. 

Our proposition is simple: bullfrogpower your building, and we’ll ensure the energy put on the grid on your behalf is from clean, renewable sources. As more businesses and individuals choose green energy, we create demand for sustainable energy systems powered by wind, water, and the sun. 

Frog isolated on white background

Our impact

2+ million

tonnes of CO2e emissions displaced


bullfrogpowered businesses


community projects supported

Joining a sustainability leader

In 2022, Bullfrog Power was acquired by Envest, an independent energy producer that finances, builds, owns, and operates turnkey clean energy solutions for industry and government. This strategic partnership has equipped us with even more resources and capabilities to help you achieve your sustainability goals.

Envest logo

Find the sustainability solution that fits your business

Solar panel blue sky

Sustainability solutions

Find the sustainability solution that works for your business.
Learn more

Join the 20,000 subscribers who care about the future of renewable energy 

Sign up for the eBuzz, our newsletter featuring green energy updates, new product information, and stories from the community projects we support. 

Staff post details page template

Photo of Sean Drygas, President Bullfrog Power

President, Bullfrog Power

Sean Drygas

Sean is Bullfrog Power’s President and Spark Power’s Vice President of Sales, Marketing, Strategy, and Sustainability. With more than ten years of experience in the sustainability and advanced energy sectors, Sean oversees our strategic plan and leads all sales, marketing, and product development. 

Since joining Bullfrog in 2014, Sean has been driving industrial and commercial adoption of green energy solutions and helping companies take innovative steps to go green. His previous career experience includes senior positions at Maple Leaf Foods Inc., Canada Bread, FedEx, and GEOS Corporation in Tokyo, Japan. In his spare time, Sean enjoys playing and coaching ball hockey. 

Sean holds an HBA from the Ivey School of Business at Western University and was the gold medalist in the MBA program at the Schulich School of Business at York University. 

Want to get to know Sean?
Connect with him on LinkedIn.

Meet the other members of Bullfrog's management team

Photo of Suha Jethalal, President of Bullfrog Power

Suha Jethalal

As Bullfrog’s President, Suha brings deep expertise in product and brand management, strategy, operations, and social entrepreneurism.


Andrew Yang, director of market strategy and innovation at bullfrog power

Andrew Yang

Andrew leads the market development and innovation team to perform research to support ideation, concept development, and product rollout.  


France Rochette, Director of Sales and sustainability at Bullfrog Power

France Rochette

As Bullfrog’s Director of Sales & Sustainability, France works to accelerate decarbonization and expand access to cost-effective clean energy solutions.