L’Image reaches for the stars

  How much thought do you put into flipping on a light switch? Do you consider where and how the electricity was generated, or are you simply trying to light up a dark room? Bullfrog Power exists…

Care about a sustainable future?

Join Bullfrog Power, a Spark Power company, and premier sponsors ABB and Alectra Inc. for the inaugural Future of Power conference at Evergreen Brick Works in Toronto, ON. What is The Future of Power? It’s a conversation about the technological, social, and environmental trends impacting the way Canadian businesses and utilities operate and interact with the people they serve.

Prep your roof for winter with Vicwest

As the weather gets colder, remember to get your house ready for the winter ahead. Your roof protects your home against harsh weather conditions, and ensuring your roof is in good condition will help keep your family comfortable and your energy costs low.

Five reasons you need to go to Beau’s Oktoberfest

We’re excited about Beau’s Brewing Co.’s upcoming Oktoberfest celebration, but don’t let them fool you — it’s actually in September! That’s not the only eyebrow raising feature of the independent Canadian brewer’s annual event, so we wanted to pick the brain of our own Beau’s Superfan to hear his top reasons to attend.

3 ways to renovate sustainably

Over the years, the Ecology Action Centre — a Nova Scotia environmental charity — has had a number of homes and in 2005, they purchased an old saltbox house in Halifax’s North End. “This was exciting because owning our own building meant we could go beyond turning of the lights and printing double-sided, and really use our space to demonstrate our environmental values,” says Joanna Bull, who is the Volunteer Coordinator at the Ecology Action Centre.

Your specs aren’t sustainable. But they could be.

We asked Dresden Vision Canada about their pet peeves when it comes to picking out a new pair of frames to learn how they do things just a bit better. In their words, Dresden Vision is made up of a bunch of “frustrated glasses wearers” who try to see glasses from their customers’ perspectives.