What if I want to cancel?

If ever supporting green energy doesn’t work for you anymore, you can cancel at any time with no penalty. You will just need to let our Customer Experience Team know – and pay any fees incurred up to the date of cancellation.

Can rented homes, apartments and condos go green with Bullfrog?

Of course! We want to provide green energy to everyone. Any facility can go green with Bullfrog Power, including homes that are owned, leased or shared. Remember, Bullfrog does not inject the green electricity directly into your home. With Bullfrog Power, you continue to draw electricity from the electricity grid – just as you always…

What is CO2e?

Greenhouse gases, such as carbon dioxide, methane, or nitrous oxide, each trap a different amount of heat in the atmosphere. Carbon dioxide equivalent (CO2e) is a measurement that puts all greenhouse gas emissions in relation to carbon dioxide according to each gas’ unique warming potential. This makes it simpler to calculate and compare your environmental…

What are PPAs?

PPAs are financial agreements between an energy buyer and a renewable energy project developer. In these contracts, the buyer guarantees the developer a fixed price for energy from a project that hasn’t been built yet, such as a wind farm or a solar array. For this fixed price, the buyer receives renewable energy certificates (RECs)…

Do I need any special equipment or wiring?

You do not need any special equipment, wiring or piping to switch to Bullfrog Power’s green electricity and/or green natural gas, nor are service calls to your location necessary to get you started. You continue to draw electricity from the electricity grid, or natural gas from the national natural gas pipeline system—just as you always…


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