Where does Bullfrog Power’s green electricity come from?

Bullfrog’s green electricity comes from a blend of wind, solar, and low-impact hydro power sourced from new Canadian renewable energy facilities, with at least 50% sourced directly from your region.

How much does it cost?

The cost to go green with Bullfrog depends on the package you choose. You’ll receive a monthly bill for green energy, which ensures that the energy going on the grid or pipeline for you is from clean, green sources. The cost of greening your energy is billed separately from your base electricity and natural gas…

What if I want to terminate my commercial contract?

You may terminate your commercial agreement at any time. Please just contact your Bullfrog Power sales representative or contact business@bullfrogpower.com

Will becoming bullfrogpowered affect my current supplier agreement?

No, becoming bullfrogpowered will not affect your current power or natural gas supplier agreements, including long-term power contracts. Bullfrog Power bills you separately for the green electricity and/or green natural gas premium.

Can organizations that lease or rent their premises and do not have a separate meter become bullfrogpowered?

Yes. You continue to draw electricity from the electricity grid, or natural gas from the national natural gas pipeline system—just as you always have—and Bullfrog’s producers put renewable electricity or green natural gas onto the respective energy system to match the amount of electricity or natural gas your organization purchases. As a result, any identifiable…


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