FortWhyte Alive

FortWhyte ribbon cutting
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Solar | Community project we're supporting

Partner: FortWhyte Alive

FortWhyte Alive, a nature centre, wildlife refuge and education facility housed on 640 acres of urban green space, is now home to the largest solar project in the City of Winnipeg. The 60 kW installation was made possible in part with support from Bullfrog Power and Investors Group, a bullfrogpowered customer.

The project will generate enough solar power to match 50% of the electricity consumed at FortWhyte Farms. In addition to the project’s environmental benefits, the solar power generated by the array is expected to save FortWhyte Alive approximately $350,000 in energy costs during the 30-year lifespan of the panels!

Read more about the project launch.

About our community projects

Activists and organizers across the country are working to transition their communities away from fossil fuels. We created our community-based green energy projects grant to provide critical funding for these local efforts.

All bullfrogpowered customers help fund these small-scale, community-led projects, including solar panels on schools and in Indigenous communities, education and training programs, and a cleantech accelerator.

Explore other community projects:

Kanaka ribbon cutting

Kanaka Bar Indian Band Solar Project

B.C.'s Kanaka Bar Indian Band, located in the Fraser Canyon, is now home to a 10 kW solar project—built with the support of Bullfrog customers.

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Gabriola Arts Heritage centre

Gabriola Arts and Heritage Centre Solar Project

The Gabriola Arts & Heritage Centre is the home of the Gabriola Arts Council (GAC) – a non-profit organization dedicated to supporting arts and culture on Gabriola Island, B.C. Now, GAC is also home to a 14-panel solar array…

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