Hope Blooms Greenhouse Solar Project

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Solar | Community project we're supporting

Partner: Hope Blooms

For young people in Halifax, a community greenhouse run by non-profit Hope Blooms is an opportunity for education, empowerment—and a brighter future. With support from Bullfrog customers, Hope Blooms installed a solar array on the greenhouse providing clean energy from the sun. The greenhouse—designed and operated by youth—grows more than 2,000 pounds of fresh produce every year. The greenhouse also produces its own salad dressing (using the fresh produce) that’s sold at local farmers markets. Proceeds from the sales contribute to education programs and scholarships for the kids.

Learn more about the project.

Read our Currents of Change profile with Jessie Jollymore of Hope Blooms

Jessie Jollymore

Jessie Jollymore

“I’ve always thought that when you change the way you look at things—the things you look at change.”
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About our community projects

Activists and organizers across the country are working to transition their communities away from fossil fuels. We created our community-based green energy projects grant to provide critical funding for these local efforts.

All bullfrogpowered customers help fund these small-scale, community-led projects, including solar panels on schools and in Indigenous communities, education and training programs, and a cleantech accelerator.

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Canadian Rockies Public School Solar Project

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Champion Mushroom Solar Project

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