Morris House Solar Project

Morris House exterior
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Solar | Community project we're supporting

Partner: Morris House

Built in 1764, Morris House is the oldest wooden house in Halifax and was home to the Morris family, a dynasty of Surveyor Generals in Nova Scotia. Morris House will soon become home to an innovative new solar PV system. Bullfrog Power is providing funding for the 3 kW solar PV system, working in partnership with the Nova Scotia Heritage Trust and the Ecology Action Centre.

About our community projects

Activists and organizers across the country are working to transition their communities away from fossil fuels. We created our community-based green energy projects grant to provide critical funding for these local efforts.

All bullfrogpowered customers help fund these small-scale, community-led projects, including solar panels on schools and in Indigenous communities, education and training programs, and a cleantech accelerator.

Explore other community projects:


cSPACE King Edward Solar Project

cSPACE Projects, a Calgary-based organization that fosters creative collaboration between local artists and designers, is transforming the former King Edward School site into a collaboration space for dozens of small organizations. cSPACE plans to install a 7 kW solar PV system on the facility to help reduce its energy requirements, with Bullfrog Power...

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Earlton community centre

Earlton Recreation Centre Solar Project

To bolster its energy independence, the Town of Timiskaming built a 250 kW solar array on its Earlton Recreation Centre—with support from Bullfrog customers.

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