1. Blog posts card pull

Read more Earth Tech stories

Dunya team

Dunya Habitats: increasing food security with tiny farms

Oct 9, 2020
As we navigate a global pandemic and a just recovery, we want to amplify the stories of those who are working towards a low-carbon future, like Dunya Habitats. To build…
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Tree planting drone

Flash Forest: revolutionizing reforestation with tree-planting drones

Aug 13, 2020
Two of Flash Forest’s co-founders were tree planters in their youth. They camped alongside forestry workers, and the contrast in technologies was all too clear: logging companies had advanced machinery, automation, and artificial intelligence at their disposal, while tree planters were still using bags and shovels.
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1. Pull quote for blogs

Cleantech ventures are receiving more funding and publicity than ever before, but they’re also on a tight deadline to get their products and services to market in time to help achieve our 2030 targets.

1. Three columns of text with green background


We offer the highest-quality green energy to help you maximize your carbon reductions.


We provide transparent, reliable reporting and support for your sustainability communications.


We simplify green energy to help any business or individual find their renewable energy solution.

1. Testimonials card pull without pagination

Les Canadiens doivent impérativement faire le choix de l’énergie renouvelable dès aujourd’hui. C’est un pas simple, mais combien important, que nous pouvons tous prendre pour protéger l’environnement et lutter contre le changement climatique.

Pembina Institute

L’utilisation exclusive d’énergies renouvelables respectueuses de l’habitat est indispensable à la lutte contre le changement climatique, afin que la nature, les espèces sauvages et les êtres humains puissent prospérer ensemble. Bullfrog Power est un acteur important dans cette lutte, et le Fonds mondial pour la nature – Canada est fier d’être alimenté par Bullfrog Power.


1. Testimonials card pull

At Assiniboine, people, planet and prosperity are at the heart of everything we do. Environmental sustainability is linked to our credit union’s core values, and buying renewable energy helps make those values real.

Assiniboine Credit Union

At Bartlett Lodge, we have always strived to demonstrate our respect for the environment in our daily decisions and practices. Choosing to support renewable power by switching to Bullfrog Power is a natural next step for us, and we’re pleased to be a part of this growing community.

Bartlett Lodge

Our business can be quite energy intensive, so it’s important to us to constantly be looking for ways to neutralize our impact. Choosing renewable energy for our Canadian operations was an obvious choice and a clear way we could not only reduce our carbon footprint but also support the development of new renewable energy projects.

BASF Canada

1. Solutions card pull

Électricité verte

650 kWh d’énergie propre, renouvelable par mois

16,25 $ par mois

Avec ce produit, vous remplacerez 1,2 tonne de CO2 par année. Cela revient à éviter la combustion de 601 kg de charbon!

Électricité verte

850 kWh d’énergie propre renouvelable par mois

21,25 $ par mois

Avec ce produit, vous remplacerez 1,6 tonne de CO2 par année. Cela revient à éviter la combustion de 802 kg de charbon!

Électricité verte

450 kWh d’énergie propre renouvelable par mois

11,25 $ par mois

Avec ce produit, vous remplacerez 0,9 tonne de CO2 par année. Cela revient à éviter la combustion de 450 kg de charbon!

1. Green champions card pull

Gabriola solar

Judith Roux

“Taking action for the planet—keeping our waters clean, our forests green, our air breathable—is the only action on the table.”
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Nelson solar garden

Kim Horrocks (and others!)

“I especially hope that the younger generation sees that when everyone gets together for the environment, change can happen.”
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Les Quinton

Les Quinton

“I’m trying to make changes in my life that will ensure my grandchildren can enjoy life as I have.”
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