cSPACE King Edward Solar Project

cSPACE Projects, a Calgary-based organization that fosters creative collaboration between local artists and designers, is transforming the former King Edward School site into a collaboration space for dozens of small organizations. cSPACE plans to install a 7 kW solar PV system on the facility to help reduce its energy requirements, with Bullfrog Power serving as the project’s Renewable Energy Partner.
Creekside paddling centre

Creekside Paddling Centre Solar Project

A close neighbour of Vancouver’s Science World, Creekside Paddling Centre is now home to a 15 kW solar array installed atop the Centre’s six boat sheds.
Children first

Children First Centre Solar Project

Two hundred kilometres north of the Arctic Circle, the largest daycare in the Northwest Territories is working to build a 15 kW solar array to power its building with green energy.
Champion mushroom

Champion Mushroom Solar Project

In Moose Creek, Ontario, Champion Mushroom Farm is now producing more than just mushrooms–it’s home to a 243 kW solar project! Bullfrog Power partner, SolarShare, has been the proud owner since September 2013.
Alberta winter games

Canadian Rockies Public School Solar Project

A legacy project of the Alberta Winter Games 2014, Bullfrog Power and Canadian Rockies Public Schools installed solar PV panels on the roof of the Banff Community High school–which is also Canada’s first LEED-certified school. The 10 kW project is also included in the school’s science curriculum to help teach students about the benefits of renewable energy.
Broadway theatre

Broadway Theatre Solar Project

Even though Saskatchewan is Canada’s sunniest province—it has very few solar projects. A local Saskatoon theatre, its solar project and local community leader, Kirby Wirchenko are poised to change this.
Brant sports

Brant Sports Complex Solar Project

At eight years old, twins Grace and Sophie Carson were the youngest investors of the 250 kW rooftop solar project on the Brant Solar Complex. A community partnership in the County of Brant sparked the launch of the project, which was supported by the Bullfrog community.
Arviat solar

Arviat Community Centre Solar Project

The Hamlet of Arviat, located on the western shore of the Hudson Bay, hopes to be the first Hamlet in Canada to launch a green energy project. To help reduce their emissions and secure their energy independence, the community is launching a solar project on a community centre with help from the Bullfrog Power community.
Abbey dawn solar

Abbey Dawn Solar Project

This community co-operative is committed to growing new renewable energy projects in the Kingston region. Bullfrog is providing funding and communications support to help the co-op grow and build membership in order to see their projects come to fruition.


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